Headquarters EnergyCAP, LLC
360 Discovery Drive
Boalsburg, PA 16827

Denver, CO
Suite 500
5445 DTC Parkway
Greenwood Village, CO 80111

Dublin, Ireland
Unit F, The Digital Court, Rainsford Street,
Dublin 8, D08 R2YP, Ireland

Phone: 877.327.3702
Fax: 719.623.0577

ENERGY STAR benchmarking software

Our ENERGY STAR® benchmarking software interface lets you submit building energy data to ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager®. Through the interface, ENERGY STAR returns energy use information and an ENERGY STAR building rating that can be used to achieve certification status.

Understanding easy energy benchmarking

ENERGY STAR is a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) program helping businesses and individuals save money and protect our environment through superior energy efficiency. ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager  is a free online tool hosted by the ENERGY STAR program to measure and track basic energy, water, and waste consumption. This is called benchmarking, and it’s the first step to saving energy at your building.

To benchmark a building with ENERGY STAR, utility bill data is entered into Portfolio Manager allowing your building’s energy use to be compared to similar buildings, past consumption, or a reference performance level. Both Portfolio Manager and the ENERGY STAR program are voluntary, though many jurisdictions also use Portfolio Manager as the primary compliance tool for state and local benchmarking and reporting mandates.

Effortless submittal to ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager with EnergyCAP

EnergyCAP’s ENERGY STAR benchmarking software interface lets you submit building energy data to ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager directly from your EnergyCAP database. Connecting and linking data between the two platforms is easy, seamless, and almost instantaneous. EnergyCAP UtilityManagement can even automatically create the meters in your Portfolio Manager account, eliminating double entry. New to benchmarking, or want to see how much easier the process is with EnergyCAP UtilityManagement? Hear directly from the EPA and one of EnergyCAP’s most successful benchmarking customers in this webinar.

Don’t risk errors in your ENERGY STAR® benchmarking compliance program

Without the ability to automatically transmit energy data to ENERGY STAR from a single source of truth, building owners must gather this information building-by-building, submit it manually, and risk data-entry errors that could negatively affect building scores or jeopardize submittal acceptance.

EnergyCAP’s ENERGY STAR benchmarking software submits the utility data already audited and stored in inside your EnergyCAP database. Submit data manually or automatically, see your ENERGY STAR building score and metrics, and track your ENERGY STAR data history—all directly from UtilityManagement.

Hands-off compliance with ENERGY STAR benchmarking submittal software

ENERGY STAR energy benchmarking metrics and score data can be viewed at the building or portfolio level, tracked in a multitude of EnergyCAP reports, and visualized on dashboards. EnergyCAP’s extensive utility data analytics tell you exactly how your energy usage is trending, helping you predict whether and how much your score will improve with your next submission.

Understand and track your ENERGY STAR building rating in UtilityManagement

An ENERGY STAR rating score, expressed as a number on a 1–100 energy rating scale, rates performance on a percentile basis: buildings with a score of 50 perform better than 50% of their peers. First introduced in 1999, the score has been adopted by leading organizations across the United States because it offers a simple way to evaluate energy use, prioritize investments, and communicate relative performance across a portfolio of buildings. An ENERGY STAR building energy rating:

  • Demonstrates your commitment to best practices in building operations and maintenance
  • Satisfies emerging legislative mandates
  • Provides a respected and impartial assessment of performance
  • Increases the value of building and leased spaces
  • Helps enlist the support and participation of building occupants

Energy managers love our energy benchmarking software

Our energy and sustainability ERP brings cross-functional teams together, in a single platform, to drive cost-effective and responsible utilization of finite resources.

"It is incredible to me what shared challenges and situations higher ed has and EnergyCAP really really gets that, which I appreciate."
Andrea Moore // Utility Analyst
"The customer support is outstanding, and the response is fast. The Help Center has videos, and the information is detailed.”
Gwendy B.
“EnergyCAP software is an extremely user friendly and reliable system. I have been managing this system for 17 years through various versions of the system. With every version or release of the...
Fara M.
“Every year, legislators want an understanding of what our university system's utilities consumption is and why it is the way it is. EnergyCAP provides an easy-to-use platform that captures all of...
Justin N.
“Don't settle for some half-baked program when you can have the best. I just got a refund of $350,000 from using EnergyCAP data to prove to the water company were being overbilled.”
Patrick B.
"Highly recommended! We could cut 80–90% of the time our energy analysts spend in repetitive tasks such as collecting and handling data to create reports and actions. Their support is second to none,...
Nick Wood // Technology Director

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