Headquarters EnergyCAP, LLC
360 Discovery Drive
Boalsburg, PA 16827

Denver, CO
Suite 500
5445 DTC Parkway
Greenwood Village, CO 80111

Dublin, Ireland
Unit F, The Digital Court, Rainsford Street,
Dublin 8, D08 R2YP, Ireland

Phone: 877.327.3702
Fax: 719.623.0577


Create an annual utility bill budget you can trust—because it’s based on your organization’s own historical data. EnergyCAP Utility Management’s Budget feature allows you to create one budget per fiscal year with unlimited versions, enabling you to scenario plan and prepare for a range of possibilities. The budget is based on one or more years of historical usage and billing data ensuring reliability and consistency.

As the year progresses, readily available reports and Powerviews allow you to quickly see your status, and mid-year adjustments can be easily made based on a variety of factors: square footage, weather, usage, and more.

Combine Budgets with our other advanced accounting features and get the comprehensive accounting functionality you need that goes beyond the standard reports and dashboards in EnergyCAP UtilityManagement™. Together, the Advanced Accounting features bundle allows you to save cost by ensuring the utility bills you’re paying are correct, estimate future bills for accruals, and create utility bill budgets you can trust—and adjust anytime.

Combine Budgets with our Bill Accruals feature and/or Accounting Export feature and save as much as 33% off the retail rate. Learn more about bill accruals, accounting export, and the Advanced Accounting features bundle.

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